RFC Template

RFCs are a process of documenting proposal for technical change. It help to structure project architecture around collective discussions with your community.

This repository is a github template that will help you easily bootstrap your RFC book. You can view the demo at https://plab-io.github.io/project-rfcs-template/.

What's included

  1. RFCs book setup using mdbook
  2. RFC template at src/0000-rfc-template.md with example at src/rfcs/0000-awesome-rfc-template.md
  3. RFC guide at src/rfcs/rfcs.md
  4. Code Of Conduct form https://opensource.guide/code-of-conduct/
  5. Contributor page
  6. Github workflow to publish mdBook on github-pages

How to Use It

  1. Use this repo as a template
  2. Use bootstrap script replace the template variables
❯ ./bin/bootstrap.sh
Github Organization Name:

Repository Name:

Contact in case of abuse report:

Did you want remove rfc example?: [yes/no]

rm 'src/rfcs/0000-awesome-rfc-template.md'
  1. Following the guide instruction of section How to propose a new RFC


If you have any question, recommendation, or improvement. Or even if you use this class and it's useful for you, thanks for taking a few minutes to open an issue and share your experience.

  • Fork :book:
  • Push :runner:
  • PR :clap: